Ring-billed Gulls at Sandy Point State Beach |
A (very) early morning airport drop-off allowed a rare opportunity--to drive from the airport straight to Plum Island and get a parking space at Sandy Point. I couldn't pass that up!
Semi-palmated Plovers at Sandy Point State Beach |
As I hoped, the beach and mudflats were teeming with shorebirds.
Bill Forward, studded with sandpipers and plovers. |
I'm still pretty awful at shorebird IDs (colorblindness makes easy reference to leg color impossible) so I didn't look carefully, but no obvious outstanding rarity presented itself.
Semi-palmated Sandpipers, Sandy Point |
But who cares when the sandpipers are so numerous and so close.
Least Terns, Sandy Point |
Least terns and their children were also plentiful.
Black-bellied Plover, Sandy Point |
As were Black-Bellied Plovers, which I viewed with new appreciation since hanging with the Golden cousins in Iceland.
Tree Swallows in the Phragmites, Marsh Trail |
And, of course, Tree Swallows, always abundant this time of year (I don't even think the numbers have peaked yet).
Cormorants, egrets and gulls in a line, Sandy Point |
I was also impressed by the egret numbers, particularly at Sandy Point (hanging with gulls). And starlings (not shown). Indeed, my favorite image of the day was a poor sandpiper that got caught in a swirling flock of starlings, flying in their midst for a minute or two before the starlings realized it and forced it down.
I also brought my new portable recorder. So here is a sonic record of my time at Sandy Point.