Monday, May 6, 2013

Les Oiseaux du Mont-Royal

View from Parc du Mont-Royal, Montreal, QC.
Up before 6, I slowly climbed the hill across Rue Sherbrooke up to Mont-Royal. Things were pretty quiet at first but soon I was tracking down a Pic maculé as it flew from tree to tree, stopping to sip from its carefully arranged sap-holes, and admiring the Mésange à tête noire chorus.

There was a Roitelet à couronne rubis singing from every thicket, as well the occasional Grimpereau Brun song, making it feel as if I had gone back in time a couple of weeks. At one point I even had a Raton-laveur join the soundscape (documented below).

I didn't expect much warbler activity, but the sight of Paruline à croupion jaune was pretty common and I even had a Viréo à tête bleue, which I had missed at home this year.
The best sighting was a lively Paruline flamboyante (which flitted around a bit much to get a satisfying photo).

I sat for a while in the picnic area behind the chalet overlook, while a Corneille d'Amérique collected sticks for a nest, enjoying the birdsong supplied by Cardinal rougeMerle d'AmériqueBruant Familier, and Roitelet à couronne rubis. (I was hoping to catch a song by that most Canadian of singers, Bruant à gorge blanche, but had no luck). A five minute sample of the soundscape is embedded below.

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