Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Crossed the Laughing Brook

Self-portrait, Laughing Brook Wildlife Sanctuary, Hampden, MA. I apologize for the surly expression.

Well, I've done it. I've completed the literalization of my blog title. That's me above "crossing" the "Laughing Brook." (I "circled" the Smiling Pond/Pool a couple of summers ago).

This is the legendary backwoods of Thornton Burgess in his later days (he grew up in Sandwich) after he was established as a syndicated columnist and all round nature communicator (academic paper to come). See the Peter Rabbit post? It's the only real overt reminder of his legacy on the property.

I was afraid that given the current climate I wouldn't be seeing or hearing much of the Laughing Brook itself. I was partially right, but the brook emerged at intervals.

Sometimes carving out very cool ice formations.

As for birds, not really the goal today. Lots of golden-crowned kinglets in the woods (and miserable photographic failures). But take a look at this.

Bluebirds. A whole flock of them as soon as I stepped on the property. Posing even.


Mattenylou said...

Hey, Welcome to Western Mass! Hope you had a great day! It's been years since I've been to Laughing Brook, I'll have to add that to my list.

Peter Oehlkers said...

I've been wanting to visit for a while, just haven't had the time. I have to imagine Laughing Brook is lovely in the spring (though not bad in the snow!)