Willow Flycatcher (sound)
I didn't manage to record the more exotic sounds (grebe, moorhen) at Great Meadows this morning but I do have a document of what it sounds like generally (marsh wren, muttering mallards, sudden splashy take-offs).
Great Meadows is a great place right now to watch wood ducklings.
If you listen closely you can hear the mother cajoling her children to move along (among the bullfrogs). Also, if you click on the photos above you can get a better look. Take a peek at the last duck in the line. Is that a wood duck?
Great Meadows is a pretty reliable spot for getting blurry hummingbird photos.
And ridiculously close-up encounters with great blue herons.
Heron was in stalking mode. The video below is long but does come to a successful conclusion.
Another great post from Great Meadows. Would you please let me know if anyone identifies the last duck in the line.
I will. It may just be a trick of the low light conditions. If you look closely at the first wood duck photo, there is a duckling in the middle of the pack that looks like a grebe. I highly doubt that's right...
What an incredible video!
I just read a MassBird report from Great Meadows that a wood duck was taking care of two hooded merganser ducklings.
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