Lily had a birthday party at a home in Milton, so I dropped her off and headed over to the Neponset Reservation for a little while. It was my first time on that section of the Neponset trail and it was nicer than I expected. The trail forks at the tunnel (above) and if you take the grassy path to the left you will end up walking through the estuary to the banks of the Neponset (lots of fishermen out today).
On my way back, I practically ran into this white-tail, grazing at the end of the grassy trail. It knew I was there but didn't really seem to care. And it seemed fine with the joggers and bicyclists on the bike trail.
I finally got tired of waiting for it so I moved in closer, expecting it would leap into the rushes toward the estuary. Instead it trotted on through the tunnel. I wonder if showed up at a Milton business district.
Oh, and here was a exciting moment. LOOK OUT!
Luckily the idiot using the estuary as a speed boat circuit saw the paddling fisherman in time, circled and sped off back towards the ocean.