Thursday, April 1, 2010


Brooks Woodland Preserve, Petersham, MA

My last trip (I hope) to Springfield for my TWB project. Needed to get some nature in on this beautiful day, so I went north to a Trustees of Reservations property in Petersham (picked pretty much at random).

The map at the entrance said something about porcupine dens near some rocky ledges. That was good enough for me! After about a fifteen minute trudge through soggy trails, up near some ledges, what was that in the tree?

A porcupine?

No! Two porcupines!

The lighting wasn't great so the photos are mere proof of what I saw. They noticed me but didn't seem particularly perturbed.

Add a roost of four turkey vultures and a singing winter wren--a perfect nature day on the first of April.

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