Monday, April 5, 2010

Today's adventures

Angry red squirrel, Ridge Hill, Needham, MA

Out to Ridge Hill today in search of pine warblers (rumored to be back in Massachusetts already). Found 'em. Here's a taste of piney goodness. I still cannot consistently ID pine warblers vs. chipping sparrows and juncos (who are still around just to confuse things). But I saw this gorgeous bird singing with my own eyes.

[UPDATE: Caryl Park in Dover. Heard some trilling. Was it a pine warbler or a chipping sparrow. Both!]

I was also looking to see if I could spot any nesting chickadees (I had such good luck two years ago). It's too early. They are still fighting for mates and territory. One tussle I saw went all the way to the ground. The victorious male flew to the top of a tree and sang a victory song.

Another moment--I flushed a flicker from the base of a tree. I noticed a small group of robins crouched at the base of the same tree. That's odd. I peered in for a closer look and they flew off, some making the high pitched distress call. Sure enough, I had flushed these poor birds out into the sight of a sharp-shinned hawk.

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