Monday, July 28, 2008

Hawk calls at the Charles River Peninsula

Charles River Peninsula, originally uploaded by oehlkers.
I think I've figured out what has been making the resident red-tailed hawk so ornery lately. It is the presence of a young red-shouldered hawk on the premises, who sits on a large tree near the river and screeches all day long. (To the consternation of the catbirds too).

Today the red-tail was yelling his response while aloft. A second red-shoulder was also calling from across the river. I recorded a little of their discussion (a second has a sweet chaser from a nearby song sparrow). And leave it to the blue jay to add to the confusion with their somewhat feeble "it's a red-shouldered hawk" alert. [UPDATE: Here is a more impressive blue jay red-tail imitation (about 15 secs in). This one was grooming itself and sporadically would unleash the hawk call, making me think it was trying to provoke any hidden hawks into revealing themselves vocally]

Also, the deer are feeding during the day now. I scared a doe out of her hiding place (and luckily had the video camera running). Youtub'd below.

1 comment:

Peter Oehlkers said...

Not red-shouldered hawk it would seem (look at that belly band). I was thrown off by the cry. Have since heard red-tails communicate with each other in this voice.