Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Return to Mill Street

Assemblage of Waterfowl, Charles River, Mill Street, Dover, MA

As has been the case for the last couple of years, the area below the waterfall on the Needham/Dover line is one of the few local spots of open water in January. Here 50 odd mallards can be found all winter long, along with black ducks, Canada geese, hooded mergansers, common mergansers (4 today), and the occasional rarity.

Last year we had a family of Barrow's goldeneye come for a stay. The goldeneye are back this year, but appear to be more of the common variety

though when it comes to females, I'm never quite sure...

(sorry for the graininess of these images--I had the camera on the wrong setting...)

Most surprising Mill Street find. A gray catbird!

I know they will sometimes over-winter, but this is no weather for a catbird! (Wouldn't you be happier in Central America?) Hope the berry supply holds out...

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