Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Maine Coast Day 4: Barred Island Preserve

Barred Island Preserve, Deer Isle, Maine
Up early and out to Barred Island Preserve by 6:00 a.m.  I was the only one on the trails while I was there. More spruce and moss with the slight prospect (unmet) of boreal chickadees or crossbills. Lots of twittering in the upper branches--courtesy golden-crowned kinglets and juncos. Yellow-rumped warblers in big numbers too.
Barred Island Preserve, Deer Isle, Maine
 And look at that: a genuine Deer Isle deer.
White-tailed Deer, Deer Isle, Maine
And a sharpie/Cooper's(?) that tolerated my presence for a moment.

 The Barred Island trail leads right to the coast. You get some elevated looks at the islands to the south-west of Deer Isle.
But the preserve is named for what is at the end: Barred Island. And because it was high tide the island was barred to me.

No matter. I returned with the girls in the afternoon. After eating lunch at the Cockatoo at Goose Cove, we walked the rocks around the edge of the preserve until we got to the sand bar.
Note that Barred Island Preserve was now rather heavily populated. Folks come for the beach and the walk around the island (you can't actually enter the woods in the middle).

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