Sunday, April 19, 2009

Broadmoor morning

Went out early to check if the local herony was inhabited this year. Three nests, one heron at 6:30 a.m. I'm looking forward to coming back later in the season. (The site is in Sherborn on Rt 16 right after the Natick border. There was a surprising amount of traffic on that road so early in the day).

I had Broadmoor all to myself for a short time. Got some decent ambiance recordings, including this short excerpt featuring crows, frogs, and juncos palm warblers. (Frankly, the sounds from my driveway this morning were as compelling as anything else I heard---the goldfinches are singing like mad and the flickers are drumming on the sides of our houses and every once in a while you catch a hint of white-throat).

I stumbled upon this group of white-tails on the meadow. They were wary but let me pass without bounding away.

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