As I've reported before, my previous attempts at photographing a golden-crowned kinglet have been futile, foiled by my camera's auto-focus, poor lighting, and the kinglet's tendency to flit from place to place (never mind the fact that it's usually up in the tree, not down in good-profile-photoland.) Today at (frozen) Cutler Pond, I immediately heard a pair making their high pitched call across the trail. I whipped out the camera, tried all the auto-focus tricks I knew, took about 50 shots, and got, well, see below for the better ones (the worse ones are even more blurry than the one above).
Shot 1: OK focus but weird elongated pose. Are you a kinglet or some kind of lizard?

Shot 2: Poor focus, but wow, what a colorful bird!

Shot 3: Good focus, but where's your face?

Shot 4: OK focus, and nice look at wing markings, but that stick...

Shot 5: Almost there! Good focus. But don't you have some sort of crown thingy?

Shot 6: OK. I'm done. Got the focus, got the crown, might have got the wing markings too but I think this will have to do. Golden-crowned kinglet, consider yourself photographed!