Sunkhaze Meadows |
An overnighter in Bangor allowed for a quick early morning excursion to nearby
Sunkhaze Meadows NWR, host to many breeding warblers and even some boreal species. I didn't make it very deep into the refuge (minivan vs foggy unpaved roads), stopping at the first and best documented trail, at Carter Meadow Road. The road leads to a relatively short loop through boggy woods to an observation deck overlooking the wetlands.
Here is the aural documentation.
Very quiet except for some cars passing in the distance. Mostly marsh wren and swamp sparrow song.
Swamp Sparrow (young) |
Hermit thrush song was everywhere (you can even hear it a little in the recording above.)
Woods and brook ajacent to Carter Meadow Road |
I spent a bit of time with one particular songster (a red-eyed vireo, practically inevitable in the woods this time of year, added his particular "charm").
I didn't stumble across any boreal species, but warbler song (particularly northern parula) was all around and ravens could be seen flying up and down the main refuge road.
Carlton Pond (marshy side) |
Later, I stopped with my folks to check out the impressive Carlton Pond WPA area but flying, biting insects and lack of kayaks prevented much exploration.