Lovely windy day at the CRP. Recovering from a cold, I walked very slowly along the trails. This paid off--I caught a glimpse of a gorgeous mink that has been hanging out in the woods by the river. No photo, alas. But how about this exploding milkweed pod!

Also, my last post's assignment was much too easy. Try to count THESE swallows!

It is nice to see tree swallows actually in trees rather than high voltage wires.

With each gust of wind there would be an burst of swallows; they would then circle around and come back to the tree--lots of jockeying for perches(not as tough on the wire). And finally, inspired by
Birdchick's example, I thought try for a macro goldenrod bee shot with the sky in the background.

One of the things I'm enjoying this season is watching the successive waves of goldenrod come and go. It would be a good subject for a time lapse project--watch the patches of yellow move around the meadow...
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