Mature trees cut on slope above parking lot |
It could have been much worse. Three years ago, when the Eversource (then NStar) tree destruction threat first emerged, I had great worries about Charles River Peninsula and
previewed some possible results.
Shrubs removed around crab apple tree |
Much to my relief, most of the key fruiting trees were untouched and most of the trees lining the rail-trail slope are intact (with the exception of the parking lot area).
Shrubs removed along river bank |
But much of the dense shrubbery (much of which, to be honest, was probably glossy buckthorn...) that sheltered birds in the winter is gone now in the power line easement.
Shagbark hickory still standing but missing limbs |
And key elements enabling some of my favorite CRP bird sightings are gone. The blue-winged warbler's favorite shagbark hickory branch, for example. Or the shrubbery around the crab apple tree where the white-eyed vireo would skulk.
Shrubbery removed along property edge |
But habitats change. CRP is just more of a grassland now.
Across the river, December 2015 |
The most dramatic change was actually just across the river. Check out the vegetation three years ago below (granted, mid-summer not late fall).
Across the river, July 2012 |
Figures this would happen at the same time I extolled the shrubby virtues of Charles River Peninsula in December's
Bird Observer....