View from Summit of Mt. Greylock |
In the Berkshires for the weekend, I had a taste for early morning birding on Mt. Greylock. I convinced Lily it was worth getting up at 5 a.m. to get there at sunrise.
Jones' Nose Trail |
I'm not going to say I won her over to the joys of mid-summer sunrise birding, but she warmed up when she saw her first close-up Indigo Bunting.
Indigo Bunting, Jones' Nose |
They were singing, everywhere, loudly.
View from Mt. Greylock summit |
Then it was off to the summit to see if we could find rare Massachusetts breeders. We were not disappointed. Blackpolls and Yellow-rumps, visible and singing. And juncos, so odd to see in the summer.
Dark-eyed Junco, Mt. Greylock |
The highlight of the day: we were tracking down a Blackpoll Warbler when suddenly out popped what I thought was a Cape May Warbler, a longtime nemesis bird of mine. I caught a glimpse of cheek and pin-striped yellow breast before it zipped away but I was afraid to call it, being color-blind and all. "Was its cheek red?" I asked Lily. "Yes, it was red," she confirmed. We celebrated all the way down the mountain. Lily was happy she'd come, and I was too. For many reasons.