Monday, January 1, 2024

Laughing Brook

Image of Burgess Trail in December
Burgess Trail, Laughing Brook Wildlife Sanctuary, Hamden, MA. 

In December I stopped by Laughing Brook on the way to Springfield, where I planned to collect the final texts I needed to finish the Collected Writings of Thornton W. Burgess, 1895-1911

Rituals observed included: Deep listening to the brook as it laughed;

Immersion of boots in said brook;

Greetings to woodland characters. Hello, Chatterer!

Red Squirrel (blurry)

As I walked the "Burgess Trail" I began thinking. Isn't there a way in which this trail was "written" by Burgess? And I by walking it might be a (very minor) "co-author," as would be the various deer and coyote who also walked it, changing it a little bit every time. (With this in mind, Burgess wouldn't be "first author," really...)
Sign: Why are there so many dead trees?

Currently on the property as a whole, though, there is a hostile editor at work--the Spongy Moth (Lymantria dispar)--decimating tree life to the point that the property might be soon be unrecognizable to many of its contributing authors. 

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