A great density of birds at the Charles River Peninsula this morning. It was overcast and raining, so I didn't get photos, but there were birds everywhere, including warblers (many yellow-rumps, yellows, palms, and one mottled guy I couldn't ID), blue-gray gnatcatchers, warbling vireos, orchard and baltimore orioles, catbirds, house wrens, etc etc.
Here's a snippet of this morning's chorus, featuring (at the beginning at least) a baltimore oriole. If he sounds familiar, he should be. He was here singing the same song the same time last year! Here he is again in dialogue with another, closer, oriole. [I am a naive listener, but doesn't it sound like the distant oriole repeats the song of the near oriole at least once?] And just to round off today's oriole theme, this delightful orchard oriole, with its finchy approach to oriole-ness.
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